Nih Video Bagus Bener... Gak Bakal Nyesel Deh Nonton Nih Video..
Durasi 5.12
Label: Video Lucu
Ikimono-gakari (いきものがかり) adalah sebuah band rock asal Jepang yang dibentuk pada tahun 1999. Mereka sempat mengeluarkan 3 album indie di bawah label cubit club dan akhirnya bergabung dengan label Sony Music. Di tahun 2006, bersama dengan mihimaru GT, mereka dipilih sebagai "Young Guns" di acara "Music Station".
- Yoshioka Kiyoe (吉岡聖恵) - Vokal
- Mizuno Yoshiki (水野良樹) - Gitar dan Vokal
- Yamashita Hotaka (山下穂尊) - Gitar dan Harmonika
Daftar Album
- Hot Milk (ホットミルク)
- Sotsugyou Shashin (卒業写真)
- SAKURA -Instrumental-
- Amai Nigai Jikan (甘い苦い時間)
- Momen no Handkerchief (木綿のハンカチーフ)
- HANABI -Instrumental-
- Koi Suru Otome (コイスルオトメ) (18 Oktober 2006)
- Koi Suru Otome (コイスルオトメ)
- Nirinka (二輪花)
- GET CRAZY! -Aki mix version- (GET CRAZY! -秋 mix version-)
- Koi Suru Otome -Instrumental-
- Ryuusei Miracle (流星ミラクル) (6 Desember 2006)
- Ryuusei Miracle (流星ミラクル)
- Yuki Yamanu Yoru Futari (雪やまぬ夜二人w)
- Kaze ni Fukarete (風に吹かれて)
- Ryuusei Miracle -Instrumental-
- Uruwashiki Hito / Seishun no Tobira (うるわしきひと / 青春のとびら) (14 Februari 2007)
- Uruwashiki Hito (うるわしきひと)
- Seishun no Tobira (青春のとびら)
- Haru Ichiban (春一番)
- Uruwashiki Hito -Instrumental-
- Seishun no Tobira -Instrumental-
- Natsu Zora Graffiti / Seishun Line8 Agustus 2007
- Natsu Zora Graffiti
- Seishun Line
- Aoi Fune
- Natsu Zora Graffiti -Instrumental-
- Seishun Line -Instrumental-
- Akane Iro no Yakusoku24 Oktober 2007
- Akane Iro no Yakusoku
- Kokoro Hitotsu Aru ga Mama
- Tsukiyo Koi Kaze
- Akane Iro no Yakusoku -Instrumental-
- 'Hana wa Sakura Kimi wa Utsukushi30 Januari 2008
- Hana wa Sakura Kimi wa Utsukushi (花は桜 君は美し)
- Saigo no Houkago (最後の放課後)
- Hana wa Sakura Kimi wa Utsukushi -Instrumental-
- Kaeritakunatta yo (帰りたくなったよ)
- Nokori Kaze (残り風)
- Kaeritakunatta yo -instrumental-
- Nokori Kaze -instrumental-
Blue Bird (original soundtrack naruto shippuden 3rd) launch 9th July 2008
Album Indie
- Makoto ni Senetsu Nagara First Album wo Koshirae Mashita... (|誠に僭越ながらファーストアルバムを拵えました・・・) (25 Agustus 2003)
- Hana wa Sakura Kimi wa Utsukushi (花は桜君は美し)
- Utahime (歌姫)
- Chikyuu (地球)
- Cosmos (秋桜)
- Nostalgia (ノスタルジア)
- Natsu・Koi (夏・コイ)
- Shichishoku Konnyaku (七色こんにゃく) (28 Agustus 2004)
- Manatsu no Elegy (真夏のエレジー)
- Karakuri (からくり)
- Amaashi (あまあし)
- Akai Kasa (赤いかさ)
- Mudai ~Tooku e~ (夢題~遠くへ~)
- Koi Suru Otome (コイスルオトメ)
- Chikoku Shichau yo (ちこくしちゃうよ)
- Kuchidzuke (くちづけ)
- Tsuki to Atashi to Reizouko (月とあたしと冷蔵庫)
Album Major
- Kimi To Aruita Kisetsu (君と歩いた季節)
- Koi Suru Otome (コイスルオトメ)
- Ryuusei Miracle (流星ミラクル)
- Seishun no Tobira (青春のとびらh)
- Hinageshi (ひなげし)
- Hot Milk (ホットミルク)
- I Ro Ha Ni Ho He To (いろはにほへと)
- Uruwashiki Hito (うるわしきひと)
- Natsu・Koi (夏・コイ)
- Tayumu Koto Naki Nagare no Naka De (タユムコトナキナガレノナカデ)
- SAKURA -acoustic version-
- Life Album (ライフアルバム) (13 Februari 2008)
- Good Morning
- Akane Iro no Yakusoku (茜色の約束)
- Natsu Zora Graffiti (夏空グラフィティ)
- Seishun Line (青春ライン)
- @miso soup
- Soprano (ソプラノ)
- Hana wa Sakura Kimi wa Utsukushi (花は桜 君は美し)
- Chikoku Shichau Yo (ちこくしちゃうよ)
- Kokoro Hitotsu Aru ga Mama (心一つあるがまま)
- Nisemono (ニセモノ; Fake)
- Tokyo Saru Monogatari (東京猿物語)
- Tsuki To Atashi To Reizouko (月とあたしと冷蔵庫)
- Akane Iro no Yakusoku -acoustic version-
- 14 Princess ~Princess Princess Children~ (14プリンセス~PRINCESS PRINCESS CHILDREN~) (#10 GET CRAZY!) (8 Maret 2006)
- 'Cherry Pie' Original Soundtrack (「チェリーパイ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック) (#7 Nirinka -Cherry Pie version-) (18 Oktober 2006)
- BLEACH THE BEST (#11 Hanabi) (13 Februari 2006)
- 'Tenpo Ibun Ayakashi Ayashi' Original Soundtrack (「天保異聞 妖奇士」オリジナルサウンドトラック) (#25 Ryuusei Miracle -TV version-) (21 Maret 2007)
- 'Ookiku Furikabutte' Original Soundtrack (「おおきく振りかぶって」オリジナル・サウンドトラック) (#24 Seishun Line -TV version-) (12 September 2007)
Label: Band
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot meRead More......
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang
(Get out the way, yo)
There she goes again, the girl is Ethiopian
In other words, she came through explodin'
In the podium, dynamite
Napoleon like sodium mixed with petroleum
Slowly but surely, she was walking toward me
Cut the convo short 'cause she had to wake up early
But continuing the story
Don't worry she gave me digits for her Blackberry
"You're very handsome" is what she said
And the way she looked in my eyes said, "Put me to bed"
Oh my, oh my, I should have known
When she said to me on the phone
You do not know me very well but I would never hurt a fly
Then she aimed at my chest with love in her eye
I said, she aimed for my chest with love in her eye
She was walkin' around with a loaded shotgun
Ready to fire me a hot one, it went bang, bang, bang
Straight through my heart
Although I could have walked away
I stood my ground and let her spray
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang
Scorpion, she's so hot, she's a scorchin'
Killing me softly, Lauryn or Kevorkian
Couldn't tell if she's coo-coo or corky, when
I asked her her name and she said, "Call me Ten"
Testing, testing, things just got more interesting
She's dressed in a vest pin, double-breasted holster
A very western toaster, she ain't nothing Kosher
She lets me closer, hotter than a pepper crusted samosa
While I try to keep my composure
She was walkin' around with a loaded shotgun
Ready to fire me a hot one, it went bang, bang, bang
Straight through my heart
Although I could have walked away
I stood my ground and let her spray
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang
Am I wrong? But what is love without the pain to go along?
And what is pain, if not the reason for me to sing this song?
And this song is for the weak and for the strong
'Cause I was strong and still
She got me, she got me, bang, bang, she got me
She got me, she got me, bang, bang
She was walkin' around with a loaded shotgun
Ready to fire me a hot one, it went bang, bang, bang
Straight through my heart
Although I could have walked away
I stood my ground and let her spray
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang, she shot me
She shot me, she shot me, bang, bang
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Label: Lyrics Lagu
Hey! Jay Sean
Yeah! Sean Paul
Lil Jon!
This one right here is for all the ladies
Ladies who want to take it back
(i don't know what Sean Paul said)
Holler at them Jay
I've been thinking about you
And how we used to be then
Back when we didn't have to live we could start again
There's nothing left to say
Don't waste another day
Just you and me tonight
Everything will be okay
If it's alright with you then it's alright with me
Baby let's take this time let's make new memories
Do you remember do you remember do you remember
All of the times we had
Do you remember do you remember do you remember
All of the times we had
Let's bring it back (Bring it back!)
Let's bring it back (Bring it back!)
Let's bring it back (Bring it back!)
Let's bring it back (Bring it back!)
Let's bring it back
(Yo Jay Sing for these ladies!)
So long since you've been missing
It's good to see you again
How you how you doing
And how about we don't let this happen again
There's nothing left to say
Don't waste another day
Jay Sean Do You Remember
Just you and me tonight
Everything will be okay
If it's alright with you then it's alright with me
Baby let's take this time let's make new memories
Do you remember do you remember do you remember
All of the times we had
Do you remember do you remember do you remember
All of the times we had
Let's bring it back (Bring it back!)
Let's bring it back (Bring it back!)
Let's bring it back (Bring it back!)
Let's bring it back (Bring it back!)
Yo ay girl yo bring it back to the time when you and me had just begun
When I was still your number one
Well it might seem far-fetched baby girl but it can't be done
I've got this feeling fire blazing and it's hot just like the sun
Know you feel it too my girl just freeze up may the good vibes run ...
Girl take a sip of the champange take a lil trip down my lane my girl
While you noe every night you'll feel alright look I tell you dis girl atta My world
Dont change imma na Rearange Ay girl imma tell you straight dis atta my world
How many years do you want come kiss dis I know you miss this
That's what I heard that's what I heard that's what I heard word girl
(written by ear as heard by Mj22)
There's nothing left to say
Don't waste another day
Just you and me tonight
Everything will be okay
If it's alright with you then it's alright with me
Baby let's take this time let's make new memories
Do you remember do you remember do you remember
All of the times we had
Do you remember do you remember do you remember
All of the times we had
Let's bring it back (Let's bring it back)
Let's bring it back (Bring it back)
Let's bring it back (Let's bring it back)
Let's bring it back (Oh)
Let's bring it back
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Label: Lyrics Lagu
Take all of your wasted honor
Every little past frustration
Take all of your so-called problems,
Better put 'em in quotations
Say what you need to say [x8]
Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head
Living out the same old moment
Knowing you'd be better off instead,
If you could only ...
Say what you need to say [x8]
Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over
You'd better know that in the end
Its better to say too much
Then never say what you need to say again
Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open
Say what you need to say [x24]
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Label: Lyrics Lagu
Never say never!Read More......
(never, never, never ...)
Justin Bieber
See I never thought that I could walk through fire
I never thought that I could take the burn
I never had the strength to take it higher
Until I reached the point of no return
And there’s just no turning back
When your hearts under attack
Gonna give everything I have
It’s my destiny
Justin Bieber
I will never say never
I will fight
I will fight till forever!
Make it right
Whenever you knock me down
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up,
Pick it up up up and never say never
Justin Bieber
Ne-never say never
Ne-never say never
Ne-never say never
Never say it, never never say it
I never thought I could feel this power
I never thought that I could feel this free
I’m strong enough to climb the highest tower
And I’m fast enough to run across the sea
And there’s just no turning back (oh no)
When your hearts under attack (oh no)
Gonna give everything I have
Cause this is my destiny
I will never say never (never say never)
I will fight
I will fight till forever
Make it right
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up,
Pick it up up up and never say never
Jaden Smith
Here we go! guess who?
J Smith and JB! (uh huh)
I gotcha lil bro.
I can handle him. Hold up, aight?
I can handle him.
Jaden Smith
Now he’s bigger than me, taller than me
And he’s older than me, and stronger than me
And his arms a little bit longer than me
But he ain’t on a JB song with me
I'll be trying a chill
They be trying to side with the thrill.
No pun intended, was raised
By the power of Will
Like Luke with the force
When push comes to shove.
Like Cobe with the 4th
Ice water with blood.
I gotta be the best, and yes
We’re the flyest.
Like David and Goliath,
I conquered the giant.
So now I got the world in my hand,
I was born from two stars
So the moon’s where I land.
Yeah yeaaah
I will never say never (never say yeah)
I will fight
I will fight till forever!
Make it right
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up,
Pick it up up up and never say never
Ne-never say never (never say it)
Ne-never say never (never say it)
Ne-never say never (never say it)
And never say never
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Label: Lyrics Lagu
In you and I,
There's a new land,
Angels in flight
My Sanctuary,
My Sanctuary, yeah
Where fears and lies melt away...
Music will tie
What's left of me,
What's left of me now...
I watch you
fast asleep,
All I fear
Means nothing...
In you and I,
There's a new land,
Angels in flight
My Sanctuary,
My Sanctuary, yeah
Where fears and lies melt away...
Music will tie
What's left of me,
What's left of me
My heart's a battleground
You show me how to see,
That nothing is whole
and nothing is broken...
In you and I,
There's a new land,
Angels in flight
My Sanctuary,
My Sanctuary, yeah
Where fears and lies melt away...
Music will tie
What's left of me,
What's left of me now...
My fears...
My lies...
Melt away...
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Label: Lyrics Anime
Bagi Yang Mau Tertawa Ria... Liat Video DI atas
Tentang Kucing nih.
Label: Video Lucu
Aqua Timez (アクア タイムズ?) adalah grup musik Jepang yang dibentuk tahun 2003. Mereka terdiri dari 4 pria dan seorang wanita. Nama Aqua Timez diambil dari nama majalah ...Timez yang mereka baca. Sementara kata Aqua mereka tambahkan dengan terburu-buru karena grup mereka harus memiliki nama.[1] Aqua Timez berada di bawah label EPIC Records Japan (Sony Music Entertainment).
Pada 24 Agustus 2005 mereka merilis mini album Sora Ippai ni Kanaderu Inori dengan label indie. Mini album perdana dengan label mayor, Nana Iro no Rakugaki dirilis 5 April 2006.
- Futoshi (太志?): vokal
- Lahir di kota Gifu, 10 Mei 1980, lulusan Sekolah Menengah Atas Prefektur Gifu Nagara.

* Daisuke (大介?): gitar, vokal latar
Lahir di Tomioka, Prefektur Fukushima, 12 April 1977, lulusan Universitas Chuo.
Nama asli: Daisuke Hasegawa (長谷川大介, Hasegawa Daisuke?)

* OKP-Star (おーけーぴーすたー?): gitar bass, vokal latar
Lahir di Iwaki, Prefektur Fukushima, 25 Maret 1977, lulusan Universitas Asia

* mayuko (まゆこ?): kibor
Lahir di Tomioka, Prefektur Fukushima, 18 September 1977, lulusan Universitas Chuo

* Tasshi (たっしー?): drum
Lahir di kota Kōchi, Prefektur Kochi, 21 Agustus 1978, lulusan Sekolah Menengah Tosa.
Nama asli Tomoyuki Tashima (田島 智之, Tashima Tomoyuki?)
Vokal latar
* Ebis (えびす?): vokal latar
Lahir di Kobe, Prefektur Hyogo, 12 November 1978
Nama asli: Miho Ebisu (戎 三穂, Ebisu Miho?)
* Mayumi Fujita (藤田真由美, Fujita Mayumi?): vokal latar
Mantan anggota
* Abiko (drum)
Kelahiran Kumano, Prefektur Mie, keluar dari Aqua Timez setelah dirilisnya "Nana Iro no Rakugaki" '
Aqua Timez didirikan tahun 2003 oleh vokalis Futoshi dan pemain bass OKP-Star. Mereka dibantu pemain kibor Mayuko dan pemain gitar Daisuke sebagai musisi pendukung. Keduanya kemudian dijadikan anggota tetap. Dalam kontes band Chance! yang diadakan Shinseido, mereka berturut-turut menang sebanyak dua kali, tahun 2003 dan 2004. Mereka merekam sendiri album Kanashimi no Hateni Tomoru Hikari, dan mengadakan pertunjukan di tepi-tepi jalan di Tokyo, seperti di Kichijōji dan Shibuya.[2]
Album Sora Ippai ni Kanaderu Inori dirilis 24 Agustus 2005 dengan label indie Megaforce Corporation. Salah satu lagunya, "Tōshindai no Love Song" masuk ke dalam daftar lagu yang sering ditanyakan oleh pendengar radio kabel USEN.[2]
Pada bulan Januari 2006, lagu "Sora Ippai ni Kanaderu Inori" masuk dalam urutan 10 teratas tangga lagu Oricon hingga menempati urutan nomor satu pada 20 Februari 2006.[2] Masih di bulan Juli tahun yang sama, lagu "Ketsui no Asa ni" dijadikan lagu tema film anime Brave Story, dan pemain drum Tasshi diterima sebagai anggota resmi. Pada bulan Agustus, mereka melakukan konser keliling di 7 kota besar Jepang. Singel kedua, "Sen no Yoru o Koete" yang dirilis 22 November 2006 dijadikan lagu tema film Bleach. Mereka mengakhiri tahun 2006 dengan merilis album perdana Kaze o Atsumete (6 Desember 2006). Pada malam pergantian tahun, mereka tampil dalam acara NHK Kōhaku Uta Gassen membawakan lagu "Ketsui no Asa ni".
Singel ke-4, "Alones" yang dirilis 1 Agustus 2007 dijadikan lagu pembuka anime Bleach di TV Tokyo. Setelah itu mulai 4 Agustus 2007, mereka mengadakan konser the "BiG BaNG" tour '07 yang sempat dibatalkan setelah Futoshi mengalami radang pita suara akut.[3] Singel ke-5, "Chiisana Tenohira" dipakai sebagai lagu tema serial drama Joshideka! yang dibintangi Yukie Nakama dan Pinko Izumi di televisi TBS.
Dari 15 Maret hingga 30 Mei, Aqua Timez mengadakan konser keliling "evergreen tour 2008" yang berlangsung sebanyak 17 kali pertunjukan. Singel ke-6 yang dirilis 8 Mei 2008, "Niji" dipakai sebagai lagu serial drama Gokusen. Sementara singel ke-7, "Natsu no Kakera" dipakai sebagai lagu tema film Hurray Hurray Shōjo yang dibintangi Yui Aragaki.
Situs Resmi :
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Label: Band
Nani mo te ni tsukanai shirokuro no hitomi de
Watashi wa tada hitasura
There is nothing I can do for you
Ano goro no watashi wa
Nani ni kandou shite
Nani ni manzoku shite
Jibun o rikai shiteita no
Doko ni mo ikanaide
Please don't go anywhere
Ichi nen mae ni modoritai nante
Nande ima sara omoeru ka na
Ano goro no watashi wa kinou to onaji
Kyou nante kangae nakatta
Mou kore ijou ikanaide
Please don't go anymore
Me o tsuburu to arukenai to wakatteita no ni
Hitori tsubutteita
Me o sorasu to susumenai to wakatteita no ni
Hitori sorashiteita
Itsu no manika anata o kizutsuke
Omoi kakenai koto mo o hasshiteita
Amaeru kiki tsuzukenuita watashi wa
Kondo wa nani o motomeru ka na
Mou doko ni mo ikanaide
Please don't go anywhere
Mou kore ijou ikanaide
Please don't go anymore
Mou kore ijou arukenai
Mou kore ijou arukenai
Mou kore ijou arukenai watashi wa
Label: Lyrics Anime
Cheat 1 Hit Kill
- Buka akun Facebook.
- Masuk ke game Ninja Saga pada akun anda.
- Carilah musuh apa saja.
- Buka Cheat Engine versi berapa pun yang anda miliki.
- Pilih yang ada gambar komputernya, cari web browser icon yang anda gunakan lalu tekan Open.
- Pada Value Type, pilih “Array of Bytes” dan centang pula “Also scan read-only memory”.
- Pada bagian kolom HEX isikan “89065E5BC208003B7B54″, tanpa tanda kutip.
- Setelah itu tekan “First Scan” dan akan muncul 1 address.
- Klik kanan address itu dan pilih “Disassemble this memory region”, akan muncul jendela baru yang bernama “Memory Vierwer”.
- Pada pilihan “mov [esi] , eax” pilih “Toggle Breakpoint” akan muncul pilihan YES atau NO. Tekan YES kemudian muncul kolom baru, close aja kolom tersebut.
- Setelah nomor 10. kembali ke Ninja Saga anda, pilih jutsu apa saja yang mempunyai damage dan jangan attack biasa.
- Nah kemudian Browser anda akan HENG / ERROR.
- Jangan takut, itu pertanda cheat ini berhasil.
- Kembali ke Cheat Engine anda dan pada menu Debug, pilih RUN.
- Setelah itu pada bagian Registers (kolom di kanan), pada pilihan EAX 000XXXX (angka – angka di belakang EAX), klik 1x dan masukan 0. Kemudian enter.
- Setelah itu close jendela “Memory Viewer” pada Cheat Engine.
- Balik ke Ninja Saga, musuh sudah mati.
Cheat EXP ++
- Pilih BOS monster.
- Pilih Attack.
- Cara ini menggunakan cara 1 HIT KiLL.
- Setelah BOSS mati, jangan lupa share, kemudian kita ke menu awal Ninja Saga lagi.
- Kemudian tekan gambar yg ada di post share ninja saga anda.
- Setelah masuk, dan play, LIHAT, EXP bertambah lagi.
- Misal melawan 3 BOSS dengan rata² EXP 16.000, setelah kembali lagi ke profile kemudian kembali lagi ke Ninja Saga, anda akan mendapat EXP 16.000 lagi.
Jika Sudah Tidak Work... Mohon Maaf Atas Sebesar2nya
Nanti Saya Cari Lagi. Read More......
Label: Game Facebook