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Release : 2011-2-24
Offical Site: http://www.mmv.co.jp/special/game/runeoceans

Characters Profiles

Main Characters

Was summoned with Sonia to this world. Is noisy and kinda manly, is jealous with Sonia's boyfriends.


Was summoned with Azel to this world. Azel has become an emotional support to her, she's somehow bubbly.



One of the 3 sister at the "Sisters" inn (yeah, the name of the inn is actually "Sisters Inn"), where she's the cook. She is the one who finds Azel-Sonia at first.


The elder sister of the Inn sisters. She's a mother figure to the other 2, she's bad at cooking.She's a bard and enjoys walking.


The younger of the Inn sisters. She's the only nurse in the island. She's serious at work but is generaly shy. It seems like it was love at first sight with Azel (?).


She's the daughter at the Grocery Store, but she's always playing/skipping work. She's friend with Odette and Electra.


She's a warrior who protects the island. Despite all her life has been trained for being a warrior, she has a soft side who likes drawing. Everyone think she's a he...If you befriend her, you may learn more about her.


She's an artisan at the blacksmith. She self-teaches, you can't see her store until you make your own Golem. She'll be interested in Yumiru (you'r golem), and will be the one who makes the manteinance for it. She's kind of sarcastic.


Electra de Saint-Coquille
Daughter of the rich woman, Bonaparte. They live in the big house at town, unfortunatelly her branch of the "Saint-Coquille" family, the "Hartein", has lost fortune and has to work. Luckily, she enjoys cleaning and such. (If you look closely to her clothes you can see knitting stuff).


She's the elf maid at the Saint-Coquille manor. She's in charge of the garden and loves reading in her free time.



He's a treasure hunter, who is looking for the Ocean treasure. He's cheerful. He fell in love with some girl in front of Azel's house (Sonia)


He's a traveling merchant, leaving his sister in care of the house. He's usually cool and collected, but becomes talkative when the topic turns to his sister. He's usually in the red, and relies on his sister to cover him*. Is not particularly intelligent for a merchant.


Sera's brother. He works at the general store while her sister is out playing. (Kinda like the inn brothers in the original RF :D)



Bonaparte de Saint-Coquille: The rich woman of the village. Electra's mother.
Kiruto (Kilt): Knit's sister. A bright and cheerful girl who likes to play outside. She and her brother are orphans who were taken in by Gray and live in the church.
Niito (Knit): Kilt's brother. A shy and scareful boy who prefers staying indoor. Likes Iris (?). He's somehow sickish, but seems to be feeling better these days.
Bakkas (Bachas): Joe's father and an adventurer.
Guree (Grey): A female healer.
Masked man: ???
Juslyn: A married archeologist who coms to Finis Island twice a week.
Pandora: A mysterious figure with the assumed form of a young girl, introduces herself as "the dark lord," though she quickly corrects herself and states she's "merely a mage." Is several-hundred years old, due largely to her accidental suspended animation. This is also supported by her antiquated style of speech. Her ultimate goal is WORLD DOMINATION!

James, Lily (hat), Sera, Bonaparte, Knit and Kilt
Elena, Mikoto and a crew of Goblin Pirates
Joe, Bachas, Grey and Masked man
Random Stuff

Voice Actors
Azel - Sawashiro Miyuki
Sonia - Shimizu Ai
Lily - Inoue Kikuko
Odette - Asano Masumi
Iris - Hanazawa Kana

Electra Hattain Viviash - Tange Sakura
Hirohashi Ryou
Mikoto - Kobayashi Yuu
Elena - Itou Kanae
Sera, Nitt - Mizusawa Fumie
Tamura Yukari

Joe - Konishi Katsuyuki
James - Yoshino Hiroyuki
Hayami Hideyuki

Kilt - Fumida Saki
Bonaparte - Fujimoto Takahiro
Goblin Official - Kanuka Mitsuaki

Bachs - Miyazaki Hiromu
Grey - Yamanaka Masahiro
Masked Man - Saitou Fuuko

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